HVAC Myths Busted: Separating Fact from Fiction

In HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), myths and misconceptions abound. From old wives’ tales to well-intentioned advice from friends and family, it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction regarding your home’s comfort system. In this blog, we’ll debunk some of the most common HVAC myths and set the record straight. By dispelling these misconceptions, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about your HVAC system and ensure optimal performance and efficiency. For expert guidance and reliable HVAC services, trust PNW Fresh Air—the go-to source for home comfort needs.

1. Myth: Closing Vents Reduces Energy Use.

One of the most pervasive myths about HVAC systems is that closing vents in unused rooms can save energy. Closing vents can harm your system and increase energy consumption. Here’s why:

   Airflow Imbalance: Closing vents disrupt the balance of airflow throughout your home, causing pressure imbalances that can strain your HVAC system and lead to inefficiency.

   Duct Leakage: When vents are closed, pressure builds up in the ductwork, increasing the risk of leaks. Leaky ducts waste energy by allowing conditioned air to escape into unconditioned attics or crawl spaces.

   Overworking the System: Closing vents force your HVAC system to work harder to maintain desired temperatures, potentially leading to premature wear and tear and higher energy bills.

2. Myth: Bigger is Always Better for AC Units.

When it comes to air conditioning, more significant is only sometimes better. Oversized AC units can lead to a host of problems, including:

   Short Cycling: An oversized AC unit will cool your home too quickly, causing it to cycle on and off frequently. This short cycling wastes energy, reduces comfort, and can lead to premature system failure.

   Humidity Issues: Oversized AC units don’t run long enough to properly dehumidify the air, leading to indoor humidity problems and discomfort.

   Higher Energy Bills: Contrary to popular belief, larger AC units don’t necessarily result in lower energy bills. Oversized units consume more energy and may cost more than appropriately sized units.

3. Myth: You Shouldn’t Run AC and Open Windows simultaneously.

Many believe running the air conditioner and opening windows simultaneously is wasteful and counterproductive. However, in certain situations, it can be beneficial:

   Natural Ventilation: Opening windows allows fresh air to enter your home and helps flush out indoor pollutants, reducing the need for mechanical ventilation.

   Energy Savings: During mild weather, opening windows instead of running the AC can help save energy and reduce cooling costs.

   Improved Indoor Air Quality: Opening windows can improve indoor air quality by introducing outdoor air and promoting air circulation, especially in homes with inadequate ventilation.

4. Myth: HVAC Maintenance Is Optional.

Some homeowners believe that HVAC maintenance is unnecessary if their system is properly functioning. However, regular maintenance is essential for several reasons:

   Preventive Care: Routine maintenance helps identify potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs, prolonging the lifespan of your HVAC system and preventing breakdowns.

   Optimal Performance: Regular tune-ups ensure your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.

   Safety: HVAC maintenance includes inspections of critical components like heat exchangers and electrical connections, which help ensure safe operation and prevent hazardous malfunctions.

5. The PNW Fresh Air Advantage:

At PNW Fresh Air, we’re dedicated to debunking myths and providing accurate, reliable information about HVAC systems. Our team of experts is here to help you separate fact from fiction and make informed decisions about your home comfort. From professional maintenance services to expert installations and repairs, we’re committed to keeping your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently all year round.


Don’t let HVAC myths dictate your comfort and energy bills. By understanding the facts and dispelling common misconceptions, you can make smarter choices about your home’s heating and cooling system. Trust PNW Fresh Air to provide honest, reliable advice and expert HVAC services tailored to your needs. Say goodbye to myths and hello to a more comfortable, efficient home with PNW Fresh Air by your side.

Contact PNW Fresh Air today to schedule HVAC maintenance or explore our range of products and services. Let us help you separate fact from fiction and enjoy worry-free home comfort all year round!

Excellent air duct cleaning requires following a few notable steps:

· To sanitize an air duct efficiently, firstly we should examine the current state of the air dust: what has infested it? Has the air duct gone through fire damage? Humidity damage? All these questions & more, help our esteemed technicians establish a solid and methodical blueprint.

· The cleaning process itself takes place, in accordance with the air ducts’ needs: Cleaning materials, machines, and snakes, handled by a professional sanitation crew.

· Inspection – At the end of each cleaning, the team scans the air ducts, to make sure they’re clean as a whistle.

Crucial to our health

Air duct cleaning is crucial for our health – We must remember that the air we breathe, is the air that comes through those HVAC systems. When we breathe contaminated air, we’re more exposed to health problems such as congestion, allergic reactions, itchiness, redness and rashes across our skin and in the long term, raspatory damage. If we suffer from a respiratory condition such as asthma or bronchitis, an unsanitary cleaning system could seriously endanger our health!

To make sure that our employees, our family & our bodies are enjoying optimal clean air, we must inspect and clean our air ducts, every 2-3 years.

Boosts system’s capacity

A clean system is a healthy breathing system: Same as our nose, when the HVAC system is obstructed by dust, feces & mildew, it has troubles streaming air properly. 9 out of 10 cooling systems fail to function, because of dust & dirt blockage.

Once we will purify our systems comprehensively, their original mighty capacity will be restored. As a result, most clean air ducts are also highly cost-effective: Since a clean system ventilates any area more quickly and efficiently, they’ll require less power & chances are that they’ll be turned off or put on auto saving mode more often.

An adequate air duct cleaning company, will:

· Go through the cleaning plan & it’s specifics with you
· Have references, licensing & insurance info
· Make a second inspection, to make sure the air ducts and all areas of work are spotless

  • Dedicated technicians with years of experience

  • Commitment to minimal disruption to your property

  • Comprehensive maintenance programs tailored to your needs

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