Air Duct Sanitization

Air duct sanitization - Our Price - $89

Here at PNW Fresh Air we use Bio-Cide’s EnviroCON products. Highly effective in eliminating odor-causing microorganisms as well as those associated with mold, mildew and bacterial growth. As the industry leader in chlorine dioxide technology, Bio-Cide International has developed and patented numerous applications directed at controlling microorganisms. Chlorine dioxide is a powerful antimicrobial compound effective against a broad range of both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms as well as yeasts and molds.

A point of contact application, EnviroCON eliminates odors at their source through a chlorine dioxide release-process that destroys organisms at the origin. EnviroCON® uses no perfumes or masking agents.

EnviroCON is an EPA registered, ready to use, safe, low toxicity formulation that inhibits the growth of odor causing organisms as well as those organisms associated with mold, mildew and bacterial growth in the air and in HVAC systems.

An enhanced benefit of EnviroCON is its low toxicity and safety rating from the EPA. As a result, EnviroCON may be used in occupied spaces. EnviroCON does not use any environmentally damaging propellants or flammable ingredients.

Use EnviroCON as a part of a regularly scheduled maintenance plan to ensure fresh clean air.

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